
Read our Blog

Welcome to our blog page in which we will pass on the comings and goings of the garden and keep you up to date with any changes during the season.  As a snowdrop garden open for one month a year, we might go quiet during the summer months, but we are still here! In fact the work starts in earnest the day after we close the gates for the season in order to prepare for the grand opening eleven months later. We post photos and blogs on both Instagram and Facebook during the season and beyond so please do subscribe.

Occasionally, adverse weather conditions will disrupt our opening plans at the last minute and we will post to here as well as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter if we are affected. Please look here the evening before if you are planning to visit.

The arboretum will open in the autumn for walks amongst our fine collection of trees so please come and take a stroll around the gardens and lake as the colours change. Details will be posted on here in the late summer.

News and Blog

Weather this weekend

Please keep a watch on this page for updates on opening times. The weather is looking inclement for the coming weekend  and if winds are too high, we may need to close the gardens for health and safety reasons. Any updates will appear here but in their absence, we will be opening as usual.


Gardens Clubs and Societies Day

We have just had our inaugural Garden Clubs and Societies exclusive day at the snowdrops, welcoming lovely gardeners from as far afield as Leicestershire and Lyme Regis. The weather was merciful and we even glimpsed the sun in between a short  shower or two. Our thanks need to go to Coberley Church of England Primary School and the small band of fundraising mums who did an amazing job making and serving soups in aid of the fundraising project for a new school building.


High Season

We are now at high season in the gardens and the snowdrops are looking superb. Great swathes of beautiful white galanthus carpet the ground and, today at least, the sun is shining! Tomorrow we have our exclusive Gardens Clubs and Societies day, with coaches arriving from as far afield as Lyme Regis and Leicestershire. And on Friday 21st February we are opening the gardens to RHS members, who enter for free. Friends of members are welcome at £8.50 per person,


The Galanthus plicatus ‘Colossus’

The first snowdrops have awoken from their long slumber! As per every year here, the first snowdrops to bloom show themselves very close to Christmas Day. The G. plicatus ‘Colossus’ is, as its name suggests, large, bold and bright. The sad news is that it will be almost over by the time the gardens open for visitors as the other later varieties come to the fore. If you want a garden of colour from the earliest days of Christmas to the end of February,


New Website

Welcome to our shiny new website, created with thanks to Athena Web Designs. Within its pages you will find all the information you need to plan a visit to Colesbourne Gardens and see our joyful displays of snowdrops. There can be nothing better for shaking off the winter blues and setting the mind for the approaching spring.

However, please check back on this site for up-to-the-minute news on openings. If winter decides to keep us in its grasp with a flurry of snow,


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