Find Us
A435, halfway between Cheltenham/Cirencester.
From Cirencester you will see the lodge house and entry to the gardens on the right hand side approximately 100m before you arrive at the petrol station. From Cheltenham, go past the pub and petrol station and it is on your left. If you are using the “what3words” navigation app, the address is https://w3w.
PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Colesbourne Park can be visited by public transport. The nearest railway stations are Cheltenham Spa and Kemble.
Colesbourne is served by the Stagecoach bus service 51 between Cheltenham, Cirencester and Swindon on weekdays, Saturdays & Sundays. A timetable is available at or by calling 0871 200 22 33.

Contact Us
01242 870264 (Estate Office)
01242 870567 (Gardens)
Colesbourne Gardens LLP,
Estate Office, Colesbourne,
Nr. Cheltenham,
GL53 9NP
Please note: The above postcode will not take you to the main entrance. Please refer to the map below and to the photograph of the Lodge which is the site entrance 150 yards to the East of the petrol station. What3words:

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