Colesbourne Visitors

Snowdrop Open Days

The 2025 Snowdrop Season begins with the first open weekend on 25th/26th January. We will be open, weather permitting, every weekend until the last weekend of 22nd/23rd February. If you are planning to visit, please do check the website for weather updates in case inclement weather affects our openings. If the snowdrops allow us, we may open for one further weekend at the beginning of March, but details will be posted on our blog if this is the case.

For further details about our Group Weekday Tours and our new Open Guided Tour Day for individuals wishing to experience the tour, please click here.  Our Snowdrop Study Day will be Tuesday 11th February 2025.

The gardens comprise approximately 10 acres of formal snowdrop walks around the house and lake, with further parkland and an arboretum around the house to explore further afield. The beautiful St James’ church is always open and on most Saturdays and Sundays during the season there will be bells ringing out along the valley as visiting campanologists come to make beautiful sounds synonymous with the rural setting.

See further details below.


G. elwesii 'Comet'
The premier garden for snowdrops- we have travelled 150 miles to see it.
Visitor 2019