Carolyn Elwes

It is with great sadness that we have to report that Carolyn passed away on 23rd December 2022 after suffering a stroke. She was the lifeblood running through the snowdrops at Colesbourne Gardens and her loss will be very keenly felt by all who knew her. Generous, kind, thoughtful, artistic and knowledgeable are but a few of the adjectives we have heard over the past week, but these do not yet cover the superlatives that she gave us. Instrumental in the formation of the collection here, and active throughout the gardening year, her knowledge put her on a Galanthus pedestal that few achieve. Her own snowdrop, G. elwesii “Carolyn Elwes”, discovered at Colesbourne, is difficult to establish and it is perhaps a fitting tribute to say that she leaves a void amongst the snowdrops here which will be impossible to fill.